Privacy Policy


This website presents the activity and services of Studio Legale Floridia. It belongs to and is managed by

Studio Legale Floridia, registered office Via Freguglia n. 10, 20122 Milano

VAT position number: 13063180155

certified e-mail:

Our visitors (existing clients and prospects, as well as users looking up the information of this website) are kindly invited to carefully read the service conditions detailed here below. Studio Legale Floridia reserves the right to amend and/or supplement this policy at any time: should this happen, the policy will be promptly brought up to date.


All website contents, namely texts, images, graphics, files (including this policy) and information contained herein, are protected pursuant to all copyright, industrial right and any other relevant rules. All products or companies mentioned in this website are property of their respective owners and are protected by the relevant rules.

Therefore, nothing, not even a part of thereof, can be copied, amended or resold for profit or to take out any benefit.

All photos appearing in the website are copyright of Studio Legale Floridia©.


In no case may Studio Legale Floridia be held responsible for any damage, of whatever nature, caused directly or indirectly by the access to the website, the inability or impossibility to access it, your reliance and use of the news contained therein. Studio Legale Floridia shall to reserve the right to amend the website contents and the legal notes at any time and with no advance notice.


Studio Legale Floridia is not responsible for websites that can be accessed through the links appearing in this website, which are provided by way of service only to web users. providing these links does not imply an endorsement of such websites, for whose quality, content and graphics Studio Legale Floridia waives any liability. Studio Legale Floridia shall be not responsible for any information received by the user through when accessing websites linked to Therefore, the owners of such accessed websites shall be held responsible for the completeness and exactness of such information at the terms provided for by them. Studio Legale Floridia does not, or even better, cannot offer, any insurance on the software that may be found on its website or external websites, and cannot guarantee its quality, security and compatibility with commonly used systems.


Studio Legale Floridia guarantees that any data that may be received by e-mail or electronic forms, including while recording, shall be processed according to the privacy regulations (article 13 of Legislative Decree number 196/2003).


Any documents that are available for downloading in this website, like, by way of example only, legal documentation, commercial documentation, and so on, except for any indication otherwise, are freely available on a free-of-charge basis at the terms established by the holder. Studio Legale Floridia shall assume no liability for the content of the documents or other characteristics of documented products.


This page describes, in addition to what is set out above, the website management terms in connection with the processing of personal data of visiting users. It is an informative report, which also complies with the provisions of article 14 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (personal data protection code), addressed to people who interact with the Web services of website, which can be accessed by computer from address The informative report refers to the Studio Legale Floridia website only.


Data of identified or identifiable people can be processed after they visit this website. The relevant data controller is: Studio Legale Floridia, registered office Via Freguglia no. 10, 20122 Milan


Collected data are processed using all suitable security measures aimed at preventing them from being accessed and/or disclosed. Data are processed through IT, computer and hard copy media and instruments, with logics that are strictly linked to indicated purposes. The processing place is the data controller's operating headquarters.

In some cases, data may be accessed, in addition to the above-mentioned data controller, also by external companies strictly connected with Studio Legale Floridia as third-party service providers, like, for example: connectivity, hosting, domain registration providers, express couriers, IT companies, etc. to be appointed, should it become necessary, as data processors by the data controller. In addition to the data controller and any external data processors, data may be accessed by some in-house or external operators, like, for example: administrative, commercial, technical staff, as well as law firms and the system administrator. The list of the external companies responsible for specific processing and necessary for providing some services, as well as the list of other internal data processors of Studio Legale Floridia, shall be kept up-to-date and may be required at any time on writing to


Browsing data

IT systems and software procedures running the operation of this website acquire, during their standard operation, some personal data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected for the purpose of matching it to specific people involved, but may lead, by its own nature, to the identification of users through processing and association with data held by third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses or computer domain names used by the users connecting to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of required resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file received as a reply, the numeric code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful result, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the user's operating system and computer environment. These data are used for the only purpose to obtain anonymous statistic information on the website use and to control its proper operation, and are erased within 60 days. Data may be also used to ascertain the responsibility in case of potential IT crimes to the damage of this website. Providing user’s data on a voluntary basis, sending optional, explicit and voluntary e-mails to the addresses indicated in this website, as well as filling out contract forms and/or registering to the services available in this website, shall imply the subsequent acquisition of the necessary data to comply with the requests and to provide the services proposed.


Apart from the above information on browsing data, users are free to provide Studio Legale Floridia with their personal data. Failure in giving such data may result in the impossibility for them to get what they requested. Users shall undertake the responsibility for third parties' personal data that have been notified and/or sent to Studio Legale Floridia through this website or e-mail and/or regular mail, guarantee they have the right to notify them, hold the data controller harmless from any liability against third parties.


No users’ personal data are acquired directly by the website. No cookies are used to transmit information of a personal nature, nor so-called resident cookies of any kind nor user-tracking systems are used. We use technical cookies to improve the site usability and users' navigation experience. Additional cookies may be used in this website in the future.


Subjects that personal data refer to shall have the right, at any time, to get a confirmation whether such data exist and to know their content and origin, to check their correctness or ask for their integration, updating, or amendment (article 7 of Legislative Decree number 196/2003). Pursuant to the same article, these subjects shall have the right to ask for cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or block of data processed in a situation of law infringement, and also to oppose, in any case for lawful reasons, their processing. Requests must be addressed to the data controller by e-mail or by fax to 02 55190022.